

Observation Report for Startups: Covid-19 Impact

  • Published in Aktivitete
Observation Report For Startups: Covid-19 Impact, Innvestfund, Innovation Investment Fund

🔍INNVEST in collaboration with Protik ICT Center took the initiative to conduct a questioneer dedicated to the impact of COVID-19 on Start-ups in Albania. The analysis of the situation aimed at the impact observation on a national level. The questioneer was distrebuted electronically to 150 Start-ups and there were 78 responses collected. A collection of 16 quantitative and qualitative questions are elaborated in this report giving an overview of the perception of the respondants on the current situation and the future impact the measures taken by the pandemic will have on their business. Invited Guest Speaker: Mr. Eduard Shalsi, Minister of State for Entrepreneurship Protection; Ms. Fabiola Duro, Founder & CEO of INNVEST; Mr. Erion Nako, CEO of Protik ICT Center.

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